Annotating clusters in the pbmc3K dataset
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In this blog post, we assign cell types to clusters in the dataset of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC). We identify the clusters and differentially expressed genes using Seurat, and then use these gene lists to identify the cell types using CellKb. We compare our results with the results from other methods such as SingleR and PanglaoDB. Read the post.
Annotating cells in the pbmc3K dataset (without clustering)
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In this blog post, we assign cell types to cells in the PBMC dataset. Each cell is assigned a cell type by CellKb individually, without clustering. Annotating cells individually is more likely to identify rare cell types. Annotating cells individually will also give a better result when the clusters identified in your dataset are not cleanly separated. We compare our results with the results from SingleR. Read the post.